07.20.2020.by Russ Thompson

Why a New Blog?

old blogger site
old tumblr site

Technology moves fast. And programming technology moves really fast. Today’s best programming methods are ‘old news’ tomorrow. It is my intention to use this blog to keep up with technology changes – new programming methods, languages, frameworks, etc. I also hope to help others who are trying to learn by providing ‘tutorials’ as part of this blog.

Once a new technology rolls over you, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road.

- Stewart Brand

Many of my old blog posts are just no longer relevant. So, instead of moving them all over to this site, I’ve decided to start fresh. (If you are interested in reading my old posts, you can see them on Blogger and Tumblr).

My goal is to publish two or more posts a month. Some of these posts will be for end users. Many will be for other developers. I may also use the blog to post notices about products, promotional info, and availability announcements.

This blog is NOT my primary goal or the reason for this website and business. But, writing is fun. And I like writing code… Put it all together and you have this new blog.