07.22.2020.by Russ Thompson

How this Blog is Organized.


When coming to the blog listing page by clicking on the “blog” or “current blogs” menu items, you will find all posts listed with important announcements first, followed by all posts – most recent posts first. Something you will notice right away are the caricatures used for each post. These caricatures are your first indication of what a post is about.

Indicates AI/ML Blogs.
Indicates IoT Blogs.
Yes... Announcements.

Once there are about eight posts, I will activate the following system:

All posts will be organized by channels, categories, and tags.

A channel indicates who the intended audience is. The current channels are:
all visitors
Information that all visitors to the site may be interested in or need.
end users
These posts are intended for visitors that are not developers. These may be articles on SEO, the latest Google trends, demos showing neat special effects, etc.
Posts for developers will be more technical, usually including code. Posts that fit in this channel might be code examples of grid-flexbox usage on the same web page, how to create an app with TensorFlow.js, customizing WooCommerce, etc.
General announcements or notifications. These will usually be at the top of the listing page while they are relevant.
Used to further define what a post is about, categories might span more than one channel. Also, a post may fall into more than one category. The current list of categories:
Code snippets, examples, or tutorials with code in any of the lanuages I know or want to learn.
artificial intelligence
Having to do with AI and technologies related to it.
machine learning
I've decided to set this up as it's own category instead of a sub-category of AI.
IoT / Internet of Things
Post that have to do with devices that are connected to the internet and provide data for surveillance, environmental conditions, manufacturing, etc.
This category is for devices that do not fall undeer the IoT category (but may still connect to the internet). For example, a Raspberry Pi VPN build.
These are very general terms that are used to describe the content of the posts. Most posts will have many tags. A partial list of current tags:

This organizational structure is not that different from most commercial blog applications. I added the channels to make it even easier for visitors to find blog posts most relevant to them.

This section of the website will be searchable. You will be able to search by typing a word / phrase into a search field, or by clicking on any channel, category or tag. In addition, there will be an ‘advanced search’ that will allow you to combine search criteria – channel, category and/or tags may be selected in combination to refine your search.